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“9-Element Blueprint To Create Your Workers’ Comp Employee Brochure”
The most important and meaningful thing in life is the relationships that we are in. Hello, my name is Michael Stack and I’m the CEO of Amaxx, and that statement regarding relationships being the most important, most meaningful thing in life is absolutely 100% true. Now, we, that is true both, professionally and personally. We’ve got a big event coming up here tomorrow at Thanksgiving, where all of our personal relationships, not all of ’em, but our, some of our closest family, our closest friends, we’re going to sit down and enjoy this wonderful meal at Turkey, the stuffing, the pumpkin pie, and the cranberries. I could already taste it.
We’ve got 16 people coming to our house. It’s going to be a mad house of different people, my family, my wife’s family, our cousins, all kinds of people coming together to enjoy this meal together in our professional life.
The Workers’ Comp Thanksgiving Table
Within workers’ compensation management at the metaphorical Thanksgiving table, the goal of all these different stakeholders, injured workers, employers, attorneys, insurance brokers, claims handlers, medical providers, all kinds of people coming to this metaphorical claims management Thanksgiving dinner table, with the same goal of all those stakeholders to create a positive outcome for those injured workers and keep those costs as low as possible.
Appreciate Differences in Relationships
We do it successfully every year at Thanksgiving; people come together, and enjoy this great meal together. All over the country, all over the country, and appreciate these different relationships. Even though that person across from you, your cousin, may not think exactly the same way you do, may have different beliefs, you do, may have different stuff, all kinds of different things, and we all come together, this big group of people to create a successful and wonderful experience at that Thanksgiving table as you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving meal with your family, with your friends.
Apply the Spirit of Thanksgiving Meal
Think about that empathy. Think about that spirit you’re bringing to that holiday meal and what it leads you in terms of success as far as enjoyment of that experience. Apply that, apply, that, apply that same empathy, that same desire, that same emotional juice that you’re bringing to this experience over here professionally in regards to work comp management relationships personally and professionally, all played by the same rules, all played by the same rules, all played by the same rules in regards to relationships, in relationships management. If you could apply that same empathy, that same engagement, that same spirit for happiness, appreciation for what you’re doing together over here in this work comp management world, you will do famously, famously, famously, well, famously, well, famously. Well, if you can apply that same spirit.
Enjoy a Wonderful Thanksgiving
So I hope that you enjoy a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving meal with your family, with your friends. It is definitely one of my favorite holidays and times of the year, so I wish you the best for you and your family, and have a wonderful, wonderful day.
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