Hey, Michael Stack here with Amaxx. We’re getting down to crunch time. It’s six days to Christmas. It’s about the holiday pageants and the parties and leveraging the overnight and priority shipping, to get everything ready and prepared for the big day. Now in my family we have four young kids, aged two to six years old. It’s a lot of fun for us, very exciting time of course for them, and really enjoyable for us to really share in that experience with them. But of course it’s a lot of work and it’s very busy, so one of the things that we like to do to enjoy this time of year is to sit down and watch holiday movies.
Apple Removed “Swipe” on iPhone
We are through on the movie Christmas with the Kranks this weekend, nice Tim Allen family comedy Christmas movie. As we’re sitting on the couch my wife is sitting next to me and she takes out her phone and she swipes, she’s, “Oh man. Shoot.” She just updated her iPhone operating system. Of course with new operating system they eliminated the swipe, and she hadn’t yet learned that new habit. I’d updated mine a couple of weeks before and it took me probably maybe 30 or so swipes before I learned that new process that I didn’t have to do that anymore.
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Return To Work Success Happens One Worker At A Time
It got me thinking about our work comp programs and the goals that we set for the new year in 2017. Let’s say you want to be one of the best in class providers and return to work, and you want to get 95% of your employees back to work within zero to four days as your goal. What’s important to remember is that that old habits, that old process, that old culture, same as when we’re learning to use our new phones, exists in a much larger scale at our organizations. That goal of 95% of your employees back to work in zero to four days starts with getting one employee back to work just one day sooner. It puts you on that path to achieve that significant goal.
FREE DOWNLOAD: “Step-By-Step Process To Master Workers’ Comp In 90 Days”
Again, I’m Michael Stack with Amaxx. I want to thank you for your support of me and of the Work Comp Roundup blog throughout this past year of 2016. I look forward to continuing to provide you content to help you along with your progress in the new year.
For additional information on workers’ compensation cost containment best practices, register as a guest for our next live stream training.
Author Michael Stack, Principal, COMPClub, Amaxx LLC. He is an expert in workers compensation cost containment systems and helps employers reduce their work comp costs by 20% to 50%. He works as a consultant to large and mid-market clients, is co-author of Your Ultimate Guide To Mastering Workers Comp Costs, a comprehensive step-by-step manual of cost containment strategies based on hands-on field experience, and is founder of COMPClub, an exclusive member training program on workers compensation cost containment best practices.
Contact: mstack@reduceyourworkerscomp.com.
Workers’ Comp Roundup Blog: https://blog.reduceyourworkerscomp.com/
Live Stream WC Training: http://workerscompclub.com/livestreamtraining.com
©2016 Amaxx LLC. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law.
Do not use this information without independent verification. All state laws vary. You should consult with your insurance broker, attorney, or qualified professional.
FREE DOWNLOAD: “Step-By-Step Process To Master Workers’ Comp In 90 Days”