by Heather Klaus, Health and Wellness Manager, Medcor
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. People feel stressed for different reasons. Stress can be placed in two categories: good stress (eustress) and bad stress (distress). Examples of good stress or eustress include riding a roller coaster, playing sports or having a baby. These situations can actually inspire and motivate you. Keep in mind that even though you perceive these scenarios as enjoyable they still result in a physical reaction in the body such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, stomach tension, etc. However, when stress begins to feel like distress or bad stress, it’s a warning flag to regroup. When a situation starts to feel unmanageable or overwhelming, it’s time to take steps to manage stress for health’s sake.
Can you control stress? Yes! Well, you can control how you feel about stress. According to Al Ritter, author of The 100/0 Principle: The Secret of Great Relationships, there are techniques you can try to feel better.
Remember the “Five A’s”:
1) Apply the 100-0 principle to the stressor.
– Give 100 percent and expect zero percent in return, and you will never be disappointed.
2) Avoid the stressor
– Learn how to say “no” to a situat- ion that is causing your stress.
3) Alter the stressor
– Express your emotions and feelings in a respectful way as opposed to bottling up your feelings.
4) Adapt to the stressor
– Reframe the problem in order to find a solution. Ask yourself: how important is this situation in the long run?
5) Accept the stressor
– Accept what you can’t change or control.
Author: Heather Klaus, Medcor, Wellness Program Manager. Heather oversees Medcor’s internal wellness program for nearly 900 associates nationwide. She also develops and supports wellness programs for Medcor clients. Heather is a regular author and contributor to health and wellness blogs, videos and newsletters. Heather holds a Bachelor’s in Science from Northern Illinois University in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a certified trainer, fitness instructor and Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant. Contact: [email protected]