In the RIMS 2008 Benchmarking Survey, Cost Per Employee for ALL employers in the survey went UP slightly from the previous year.
The overall Cost Per FTE in 2006 (the previous RIMS Survey) was $618. This went upward to $681, so not a huge increase, but when we hear there is a "soft market" that leaves me puzzled. Perhaps that's because the data is 2007, and the market wasn't so soft at that point. There are lots of possibilities…
BUT the biggest news is for companies on the low end of the range, those companies with less than $1 billion in revenue, the Cost Per Employee went UP, WAY up.
Now's a good time to buy your survey by clicking on this link. And, if they ask, make sure to let them know you saw our post. We're letting you know about the book, because it's the most valuable resource out there!
The survey has 14 industry groups, and you'll be able to find out what the WC Cost Per Employee is for YOUR industry. You should know if you are above industry average or below industry average, shouldn't you?