1. Mr. Always Unhappy – This potential employee will always find something to complain about. If he is talking, he is gripping, but he is not a constructive critic. He will find fault with every initiative of the employer. Mr. Unhappy will destroy morale of everyone in his department by keeping everyone in a continuous agitated state.
2. Ms. Happy Independent – This potential employee has no financial obligations. She still lives with her parents or someone else who supports her. Ms. Independent does not need her job so she never strives to do her best work.
3. Mr. Duck Out of Water – This potential employee is often drowning in financial obligations and has a family to support. Mr. Duck OutofWater desperately needs a job, so he is willing to take any job offered to him. His prior position was one of authority, respect and much higher pay. If he is hired, he will be grateful for the job until he realizes that he no longer has the authority and command he had in his prior job. Mr. OutofWater if he stays around long enough will morph into Mr. Unhappy.
4. Mr. Low Production – When this employees prior employer had the opportunity to rid themselves of him, they did so. Whether it is a lack of motivation or a limited intellectual capacity, Mr. Low Production will never produce either the expected quantity or expected quality that should come from the job you have available.
5. Ms. Anti Establishment – This employee opposes everything management wants done. She knows for a fact that all businesses are corrupt and will exploit her. Ms. Anti Establishment will know more about how the company should be run within a week of being hired than her manager will ever know.
6. Ms. Something For Nothing – From a workers compensation standpoint, this is the most dangerous employee. She has collected on one or more work comp claims at every one of her former employers. She will fake an injury shortly after being hired and will use every possible tactic she can to not have to return to work any time soon.
Author Rebecca Shafer, JD, President of Amaxx Risks Solutions, Inc. is a national expert in the field of workers compensation. She is a writer, speaker and website publisher. Her expertise is working with employers to reduce workers compensation costs, and her clients include airlines, healthcare, printing/publishing, pharmaceuticals, retail, hospitality and manufacturing. Contact: [email protected] or 860-553-6604.
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