Employers across London are asked to ensure their workers are kept safe in 2010 as Britain's safety watchdog urges improvement OVER last year. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), last year around 280 work-related incidents occurred across London each week, an annual figure of 14,576 people being killed or injured. HSE hopes this figure will act as a stark reminder to employers and staff to make their workplaces safer this New Year and drive down casualty rates.
The 2008/09 statistics show 20 people were killed at work across the region while 2,848 sustained major injuries and 11,708 more suffered injuries requiring more than three days absence. The figures compare with 26 fatalities, 2,948 major injuries, and 12,568 cases requiring more than three days absence in 2007/08. (workersxzcompxzkit)
Including other absences due to ill health caused by work activities, this equates to 1.7 million lost work days at a massive cost to the economy and individual businesses, which is why HSE says it makes perfect sense to make working environments safe. The organization warns that if employers insist on compromising the health of their employees then HSE will not hesitate in taking enforcement action. Last year HSE prosecuted 59 firms for breaching health and safety legislation and regulations.
Author Robert Elliott, executive vice president, Amaxx Risks Solutions, Inc. has worked successfully for 20 years with many industries to reduce Workers' Compensation costs, including airlines, health care, manufacturing, printing/publishing, pharmaceuticals, retail, hospitality and manufacturing. He can be contacted at: Robert_Elliott@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com or 860-553-6604.
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