It’s important to know when an employee has reached MMI, the term for maximum medical improvement. If you intent to settle the claim, you’ll want to do it when you know the employee has reached MMI and cannot return to his or her original job and you can not accommodate him or her on the job with a reasonable accommodation.
You can easily develop a template or form letter to draw on to get this information by asking the adjuster or having your medical advisor contacting the treating provider. If you do this through the adjuster, have the adjuster ask the following questions:
1-Is the employee still improving.
2-When will the employee be able to return to his regular job full-time.
3-Will the employee have any permanent job restrictions.
4-Will he ever be able to return to work full-time at full capacity.
5-Has he reached MMI?
6-Please provide a final medical report indicating MMI if employee has reached MMI.
If you are developing a workers’ comp cost containment program, you can develop forms if you have the time and personel to write and design them. If time and resources are a problem, all forms are available as part of Workers’ Comp Kit. For a complete list of forms available in Workers Comp Kit®, go to
Look at WC 101 for the basics about workers comp.
Workers’ Comp Kit® is a web-based online Assessment, Benchmarking and Cost Containment system for employers. It provides all the materials needed to reduce your costs significantly in 85% less time than if you designed a program from scratch.
©2008 Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. If you would like permission to reprint this material, contact I[email protected]