Self-evaluation questionnaires are a common method to gather information necessary to assess your workers comp programs if you have multiple locations. Questionnaires can be sent to each location. Questionnaires can be prepared for claim handlers, treatment providers, and attorneys retained to handle workers' compensation cases. Using open-ended questions will encourage more complete responses, but responses are not easily quantified. Advantages: Gathers more information than yes/no questions. Questionnaires can be provided to multiple people at once. Disadvantages: Requires more time for personnel to complete, requires more time to compile results. Nearly impossible to quantify responses. Because of the complexity of responses, there will likely be a lower response rate. Written responses may not be candid since no rapport can be developed with the questioner. Tip: If you are developing your own questionnaires have someone else edit it. You will only ask questions about techniques you already know about, and obviously won't ask questions about techniques that may be used by other companies if you aren't aware of them. So have several peers offer feedback on your questionnaires, if possible. Try the WC Cost Calculator to show the REAL COST of work comp. Look at WC 101 for the basics about workers comp. Learn more about Assessments & Scoring. Workers' Comp Kit® is a web-based online Assessment, Benchmarking and Cost Containment system for employers. It provides all the materials needed to reduce your costs significantly in 85% less time than if you designed a program from scratch. Do not use this information without independent verification. All state laws are different. Consult with your corporate legal counsel before implementing any cost containment programs. ©2008 Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. If you would like permission to reprint this material, contact